Sunday, June 3, 2012

This Summer's Schedule

Much to my daughters' collective chagrin, we made lists today and drew one per week of summer to determine our Fun Jar activities for upcoming Fridays.  While they far prefer the old school method of drawing an activity at the beginning of each week, summer feels so short this year that I insisted we plan ahead.

Here's the tentative schedule:

June 8 - Nashville Zoo
June 15 - Adventure Science Center
June 22 - Percy Priest Lake
June 29 - Dragon Park or Beaman Park
July 5 or 6 - Berry Picking
July 13 - Cheekwood
July 27 - Brushfire Pottery
August 3 - Frist Center
August 10 - Percy Priest Lake

For each of these activities, I'll post details including a time to meet as the date approaches.  (This Friday, we'll meet at the Zoo at 9ish.  More to follow in a post later this week.)
Mark your calendars and join us when you can!

1 comment:

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

I like the plan ahead schedule, and you'll still have room for spontanaeity!